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“Things to Know” Before Your First Psychiatry Appointment


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If you are preparing to attend your first psychiatry appointment, it’s completely normal to feel anxious or nervous. However, being prepared can help to alleviate some of those feelings. It’s commendable that you have taken the first step to schedule an appointment, and it’s important to remember that your psychiatry professional is there to help you.

Pre-appointment Anxiety

Pre-appointment anxiety, your anxiety over this first appointment may be causing you to assume the worst or think treatment will be tougher than it is. For instance, you may think you have too many problems to tackle. However, the reality is that your provider will likely focus on just one or two issues, to begin with and move on from there. Being prepared for your first appointment can help you manage your anxiety and nervousness.


At times, taking care of our mental health can seem daunting. However, remember that the journey to a better mental wellness starts with a single step. By taking that crucial step and booking an appointment with Journey Psyche, you can start living your best life. Don’t wait any longer, prioritize your mental health today!

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Our adult telepsychiatry services are designed to treat a range of conditions, including ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, PTSD, and medication management. Our unique approach to mental health care sets us apart from the rest. We believe that mental health is interconnected with physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. We offer a variety of evidence-based practices to help you achieve optimal mental and emotional wellness.


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